Into the Light (Dark #2) Read online

Page 20

  Laney looked at Peyton who mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  They had gone way too far this time.

  “NO!” Laney barked.

  “No, what? No, you won’t move home with us, or no you won’t move out of your apartment? Because the movers are already there.”

  Laney was still trying to conserve her voice, but this was something she couldn’t stay quiet for. “No to both.”

  “Don’t be unreasonable. You can’t live alone. You’re going to need someone to help you. Plus you have this person on the loose sending you letters. If you come home with us, you’ll be safe.”

  “What?” Laney was confused. Someone was still leaving letters? Wasn’t that someone in jail?

  “She doesn’t know about the latest letters.” Herb glanced at Eileen.

  “Of course I know that. Don’t be ridiculous!” Laney’s mom snapped at her dad just as she had done for so many years. Laney honestly didn’t know how he put up with her sometimes. He must have the patience of a saint.

  “What your mother is trying to say. Well, there have been more letters. I would say they are more directed toward us though. Someone definitely wants you away from here.”


  “We don’t know. Josh and the police think it may be someone who works in this hospital. That’s part of the reason we want you to come home and go to a hospital in St. Louis or Cape, or they will transfer you to the university hospital where Dr. Russell works.”

  The plethora of information circled around in her brain. Laney couldn’t imagine anyone she worked with could be responsible. She was friends with everyone. Or, at least she thought.

  “I want to stay,” Laney said.

  “Laney, sweetie. You have to go somewhere else. It’s for your own safety.”

  Laney hated how her mom referred to her as sweetie. She knew it was just a term of endearment, but it reminded her of other nurses who called their patients sweetie. It seemed so demeaning.

  “Then the university hospital.”

  Laney crossed her arms as Eileen caught her breath and placed her hand on her mouth. For a moment, Laney felt guilty, but there was no way she was leaving San Diego. She loved her life despite everything that had happened. More importantly, she didn’t want to leave Josh.

  Peyton chimed. “You can stay with me if you like. I can be home most of the time to help care for you. Jack would really like someone to keep him company while I’m at work.” Peyton smiled warmly.

  “Thank you.”

  “Who’s Jack?” Eileen inquired.

  “He’s my dog.”

  Eileen scoffed at Peyton’s offer. “She can’t go home with you. You don’t have the means to take care of her. After all, you’ll be working. And I don’t think having a dog around is the best environment for my daughter. They tend to be dirty animals.”

  The smile disappeared from Peyton’s face. Peyton flashed her eyes from Eileen to Laney. Laney couldn’t believe how rude her mom could be at times, and she really had no idea she was doing it.

  “Mom, stop.”

  “What, I’m not allowed to speak now?”

  Laney attempted to clear her throat. Peyton brought over more ice chips for Laney to suck on. Once Laney let them dissolve, she continued. “My throat is killing me. We can talk more about this later. Just know, I’m not moving to Missouri. I’m staying here.” Laney hoped that would be the end of it. She hoped her mom would respect her decision. However, knowing her mom, she would need to get the last word in.

  “I think you’re making a big mistake. You aren’t thinking about all the ramifications. You can just come home for a few months while you recover. You wouldn’t have to do anything but focus on yourself. I absolutely believe it would be the best medicine for you.”

  Laney silently pleaded with her dad to help make her mom stop.

  “There has been a lot for Laney to digest. She just woke up, and she’s having a hard time talking. How about we let her rest for a bit?”

  “I know what you’re trying to do here. I don’t appreciate it.” Eileen pulled Herb's hand off her arm.

  “Just give her some space.”

  “Fine. Can we get you anything?”

  Laney shook her head.

  “Unfortunately, Laney can’t have anything to eat yet. She has to stay on clear liquids, probably until tomorrow.”

  “Fine. We’ll be back shortly. Try and rest. You have a lot to think about over the next few days, and you need your strength.” Eileen stood up from her chair and Herb put his arm around her as he guided her out of the room.

  Laney took a deep breath and felt the tension wash away as the door closed. “Thank, God they’re gone. My mom can be such a beating sometimes.”

  “She loves you and just wants the best for you.”

  “I know, but she can be such a pain in the ass. It’s like she has tunnel vision.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Peyton gave Laney a couple more ice chips.

  “Was she like this the entire time I was out?”

  “Worse.” Peyton and Laney laughed.

  “I’m glad I was asleep then.”

  “Me, too. Speaking of sleep, you need to get some more of it. Close your eyes for a while. You’ll have a lot more to deal with when your visitors come back.”

  Laney could already feel her fatigue creeping up on her. She wasn’t about to argue with her body. Instead, she closed her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 32


  The therapy appointment went well. Josh told the doctor about the kiss Jillian planted on him. She tried to brush it off exclaiming that Josh was making a big deal out of nothing. She had just been caught up in the moment and was sorry. The doctor probed further, but Jillian blew it off. She agreed to take her medications again as well as return to weekly visits.

  Josh argued that she had made the same promises before. The doctor set guidelines for her to attend support groups. Jillian figured she would go to the first couple of visits just to get Josh off of her back. There was nothing wrong with her. She was stronger than the disease. She had been able to beat it. There was proof. Work was good, San Diego State would approve her application any day, and she and Josh had come to an understanding and were forging a new relationship. Why couldn’t anyone else see the progress she had made? She was determined to prove herself. In time, everyone else would see what she already knew. Life was good. Laney was no longer a problem for her, and she had Josh and the doctor wrapped around her finger.

  “I think that went well. Thank you for agreeing to see your doctor.”

  “No problem. I’m glad you came with me. It was nice to spend some time with you—even if you are a warden.” Jillian wrapped her arm around Josh’s.

  “I’m not the enemy. Your disease is your prison. I’m trying to help free you from its effects.”

  “I don’t know. I think I’m doing just fine by myself.”

  Josh squeezed her arm as they continued walking. “I know you think so. That’s part of the problem. Who in their right mind kisses their brother? You will never be fine!”

  “You know, you can really be an ass sometimes!” Jillian dropped Josh’s arm, picked up her pace, and got back to the car before he could get there.

  Josh stomped up behind her. “I’m the ass? Really? Because you can’t seem to take responsibility for yourself, I had to leave Laney right when she woke up so that I could make sure you came here. And you say I’m the ass?”

  Jillian stopped in her tracks. She couldn’t have possibly heard right. While Josh hadn’t seemed upset about Laney’s death, Jillian thought he was trying to remain stoic as to not upset her before they saw the doctor. “Wait, what did you say?”

  Josh looked down at her with his chest heaving and eyes spitting fire. “I said, I’m not the ass!”

  “No, I mean about Laney. Did you say she woke up today?”

  “Yeah. Remember I told you we were planning to take off her sedation? She woke up
just before we left to go to your appointment. She’s doing much better. “

  Jillian couldn’t believe her ears. “How’s that possible?”

  “She’d been progressing well. She’s making a great recovery.” Josh opened Jillian’s door. “Come on, I need to get back.”

  Jillian waited until Josh got in the car before she spoke. “I don’t understand. Last night she needed a breathing tube because she couldn’t breathe on her own. Now you’re telling me she doesn’t need one? Just like that?”

  “The only reason she needed the ventilator was because she was sedated on a medication that makes it so she couldn’t breathe on her own.”

  “I see.” The wind had been knocked out of her sails. Laney was alive and would again monopolize Josh’s time. Jillian needed to come up with a new plan to keep Josh’s attention. She ran several scenarios through her mind. The only thing Josh would leave Laney for was Duke. If Duke suddenly became ill…

  “Are you listening?”

  “Umm, what?”

  “I was telling you to come up to Laney’s room when we get back to the hospital. I’m sure she’d love to see you.”

  Oh, God. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Why would that thought even cross Josh’s mind? “I don’t think it’s a good idea. She probably needs some rest. Besides, we didn’t start off on the best of terms—you know with the letter in blood and all.” Jillian hoped she had dodged a bullet by bringing up their first encounter.

  “Nonsense. Laney understands how stressful receiving one of those letters can be. She could use some support. I’m sure her own family is driving her nuts.”

  “I’m not sure why I need to be that support. I barely know her, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “Knock it off. You have to learn to be friends with Laney. She’s going to be your sister one day.”

  Jillian’s jaw dropped open. The purr of the Porsche’s engine did nothing to stop the shock that jolted through her body. “What are you talking about? Are you kidding me?”

  “No, when Laney is well enough, I’m going to propose. I’m going to ask her to move in with us when she’s released from the hospital. I’d like her to recover at our house. The sooner you start playing nice, the better.”

  “You barely know her! What about us?” How could he do this to her? How could he even think about spending the rest of his life with anyone but her? She and Josh were meant to be together.

  Josh turned and looked at her with eyes blazing. “What do you mean us?”

  Jillian shifted in her seat. “We live together. We’ve shared the same space for years. What will happen to our relationship?”

  “Why can’t you get this through your head? We don’t have a relationship! You’re my sister and that’s all you’re ever going to be! I know you did your darnedest to fool your doctor, but you didn’t fool me. I can see there is something wrong with you. You’re on the verge of another psychotic break. The only reason I haven’t committed you back into the psych hospital is because you made a promise about your meds and support group. And for whatever reason, your doctor thinks you can continue as an outpatient. But make no mistake, if you ever try and kiss me again, you’re going to find another place to live.”

  Jillian didn’t miss Josh emphasizing the sister part. She didn’t like being called his sister. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to it. It seemed like such a negative connotation when she thought about a sister and brother in love. Their love for each other was anything but negative. It was beautiful. Because of that love, Josh would never put her back in the hospital. He was just upset, but he would get over it.

  “I don’t want to share you. You’re mine.”

  “Jillian! I’m not yours! Stop making more out of this than there is. I’m tired of this delusion of yours! I’m in love with Laney, and you need to go focus your energy on this new guy you met. Is there even a new guy? Or am I that guy?”

  “You’re my family. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

  “So that’s it! I’m the guy. You devised this plan in your head for us to be together? Do you realize how crazy that sounds? You need to get a grip. You’re going down a slippery road right now, and I don’t see it ending well. You need to welcome Laney, and not give her any grief. Try to keep your bitchiness to yourself when we get to the hospital.”

  Is he kidding? How could he be doing this to her? They had shared the most spectacular kiss just yesterday. They had formed a bond. There was a connection between them that Laney would never have with Josh. Was it possible for him to love two women at the same time? Could she handle being one of two wives? The idea of sharing him with another woman made her stomach twist in knots. But if that was the only way she could have him, she would have no other choice. She and Josh were destined to be together.

  Chapter 33


  “Come on! You’re going to do this for me.”

  Jillian resisted getting out of the car. Josh had known for a while that she was jealous of Laney and the attention he provided her. He hadn’t realized he was the new boyfriend in Jillian’s life. Things had gotten way worse than he originally thought. Perhaps if Jillian saw him with Laney, she would come to terms with the fact they would never be romantically involved. If that didn’t work, he had to seek another psychological evaluation.

  After Jillian assaulted his mouth, Josh knew she had confused the boundaries of their relationship. He had told Jillian’s doctor of his suspicions, and he had agreed that Josh needed to set clear limits and reiterate what place Jillian occupied in his life. Josh hoped the medications and visits to the doctor would give her some semblance of normalcy.

  Josh replayed Jillian’s kiss over and over. He couldn’t get it out of his mind. Each time the image popped into his head, he had to hold back the nausea and vomiting that would ensue. It was gross.

  “Let’s give it another day. I don’t want to bother her.”

  Jillian needed to see him with Laney. She needed that reality check. “You are going up there. Now let’s go!”

  “Only if you take me out to dinner this week.”

  Josh squared his shoulders and clenched his jaw. “You will not give me ultimatums, and I will not reward you for this behavior. Get your butt going. Now!”

  Clear boundaries. That’s what the doctor said. Hopefully, these are clear enough.

  “Fine. Lead the way.” Jillian crossed her arms and pursed her lips making a pouty face.

  Jillian marched behind Josh. “Remember to be nice to Laney. She has been through too much to put up with you being a grouch.” Josh turned and looked at Jillian as she unwrapped a peppermint candy and popped it into her mouth. “What’s your obsession with those? I’m surprised they don’t give you a stomachache. You eat way too many of them.”

  “I like to have fresh breath. You never know when the moment is going to arise in which you need it.” Jillian winked at Josh.

  He rolled his eyes and continued toward Laney’s room. His hands became sweaty from the fists he formed.

  Josh was first through the door. Laney’s eyes were closed and Peyton was in the corner charting.

  “How’s she doing?” Josh whispered.

  “Okay. She’s been sleeping for a couple of hours.”

  “Good, she needs the rest. Where are her parents? I expected them to be glued to her side.”

  “They got Laney all worked up about moving out of her apartment. Her dad thought it would be a good idea for them to step out a while.”

  “Crap! They couldn’t give her a chance to get her bearings? The audacity of those people!”

  “You know how focused her mom has been on getting her back home. Why should things change now?”

  “I thought she had seen the light. After Laney’s ventilator debacle, she went back to her old ways.”

  “I can hear you.” Laney opened her sea foam-green eyes and smirked at Josh.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Josh walked up to Lan
ey and tenderly kissed her nose.

  “Don’t be. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Josh motioned Jillian to the bedside. “I brought a visitor. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Laney shifted her gaze to his sister. “J-Jillian, how are you?”

  Jillian leaned against the door. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Josh mentioned you had a doctor’s appointment today. Is everything okay?”

  “Oh, yeah. Everything is fine. Josh is just being overprotective again. There’s nothing to worry about.” Jillian rolled her eyes and proceeded to stare into the hallway.

  Laney furrowed her brow unconvinced.

  “Come sit down.” Josh motioned to the chair next to Laney’s bed. Jillian hesitated.

  “Yes, please. There’s no need to stand there. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Jillian reluctantly sat in the chair with her arms and legs crossed and her head bowed.

  Josh shook his head at Jillian and directed his attention on Laney. “So, how’s your throat? Any better?”

  “Yes, actually. It feels much better. Peyton has given me ice chips and some acetaminophen to help with the pain.”

  “Good. I see you got some rest.”

  “I slept well. I feel much better. I’m sore, but I think it’s just from the surgery and lying in this bed for so long.”

  “We can get you more pain medication to make you comfortable if you’d like.”

  “I’m fine. I really don’t want anything. I’d like to try and remain as alert as possible.”

  “I understand.” Josh shifted and glanced away from Laney.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been so worried about you. There’s just so much I want to say and I don’t know where to start. Almost losing you…I don’t know. I felt like a piece of me was dying with you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.” Josh held Laney’s hand squeezing it tighter as he talked. “God, I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go.”