Into the Light (Dark #2) Read online

Page 25

  Laney felt the warmth of her cheeks. She was blushing. “Doctor, are you being naughty?”

  “Perhaps, but right now I would settle just some time alone just the two of us.”

  “You talk a good game. I’m going to hold you to it. I can’t wait for you to hold me in those strong muscular arms of yours.”

  “Oh, you like those, do you?”

  “I guess you could say that. Although I think I might need to see them without a shirt on. I’ve been asleep for so long, I don’t know if I quite remember them.”

  “You have no idea how badly I want that. You better hurry up and get better so I can take my time getting reacquainted with every inch of your skin.”

  “Mmmm. I can’t wait!” Laney winked at Josh.

  “So, if you don’t mind me asking. Where are you planning on taking up residence?”

  “I’m staying with Peyton.”

  “Good. I’ll make sure you have all the help you need. I’ll look into a private service today.”

  “I don’t think it will be necessary. Peyton will help me out. The rest of the time I expect my mom will be there. She’ll insist on being a part of the action.”

  “Don’t forget, I plan to spend every free moment I have with you too.”

  “You have a lot on your plate right now. I couldn’t expect you to take care of me as well.”

  Josh’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned. “I don’t want you to worry about anything. You’re my number one priority. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to be there for your sister’s trial?”

  Josh detailed the discussion he’d had with his mom. Laney smiled knowing things were going to work out fine.

  “Jesus, I can’t believe your sister kissed you. I want to say that’s crazy, but I know it’s not politically correct. Your poor sister.”

  “My poor sister? Laney, I’m going to be traumatized forever from that kiss. I’m going to have to buy stock in some mouthwash company. Let’s not forget she tried to kill you. Yes, it’s tragic, but you are very much a victim in this as well.”

  “I know.”

  “You and your family are going through a difficult time as well. I almost lost you! I don’t know what I would’ve done if I did.”

  “It’s okay. Please don’t get all worked up. I’m fine.”

  “My mom says I have spent so much time worrying about them that I haven’t focused on myself. I don’t know if I agree, but I like the idea of just being able to focus on you and me.”

  Laney’s heart melted from his words. “I have to say, I like that idea, too. There are so many things I want to do! I envision long walks on the beach, you serenading me, home-cooked dinners, and hours of time in your bed.”

  Josh’s eyes popped out of his head. “Excuse me, did you say I am supposed to serenade you?”

  “Why, yes. Is that a problem?”

  “No…No, not at all. I’m glad you’re laying out the ground rules now. At least I know what’s expected of me.” Josh chuckled. “Next thing you know, I’m going to have to give you foot massages every night after those long walks.”

  “Hey, I didn’t think of that. Good idea!”

  “Geez, what have I gotten myself into?”

  “Buddy, based on what you’ve told me, you already know. You have studied me for months. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t think you’re ever going to.”

  “Touché!” Josh’s smile faded. “Sometimes people realize family is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter your location as long you’re together. This accident probably helped your parents realize the most important thing to them, was you. I can’t say I blame them.”

  “I guess. Hopefully, my mom will come around.”

  “Well, if your dad has anything to say about it, I’m sure she will.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because right before you woke up, we had a chat. Your dad seems like a good guy. He’s pretty grounded. He really loves your mom and does an amazing job helping her to see things from a different perspective. He’s perhaps one of the most patient people I’ve ever met.”

  “Yeah, my dad is a pretty awesome guy. I love him a lot. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me.”

  “Count your blessings. Family can be a pain, but it’s nice to have them around.” Josh drifted off to another place.

  “You miss her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “You’re an amazing man. I don’t know the extent of your relationship with your sister, but I do know how you’ve taken care of me. If you were half as good with your sister as you are with me, then she’s a very lucky lady. You probably prevented this from happening sooner.”

  “I guess.” Josh was doubtful.

  “You need to stop beating yourself up. Let it go. She’ll be taken care of, and she’ll be safe.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I’ll do everything I can to help make it so she can go to a psychiatric facility over jail. As I told you before, I will testify to that if I need to.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. You’ve already been through so much.”

  “You love her. She’s your sister. Perhaps someday she’ll be my sister too. I wouldn’t want it any other way. You and I know jail won’t do a thing for her.”

  Josh leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. He lingered there, igniting her to the inner core. A sudden surge of blood flowed through her veins. She almost forgot how his touch made her feel. Laney didn’t remember a lot from the past few days, but she did know she missed the way Josh ignited her.

  There was a knock on the door. Josh broke away from the kiss. They looked up to find Rebecca and Skyler standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry, I hope we’re not interrupting.” Rebecca smiled shyly.

  “No, not at all! Come in!” Laney waved them in.

  “Peyton said you could probably use a visit, and Skyler was eager to show off how well he’s recovering.”

  Skyler used a cane to walk to Laney’s bedside.

  Laney sat up in bed. “You look amazing!”

  “Thanks! I feel great, too. I tried to drive Mom over here on a motorcycle, but she just about had a heart attack when I mentioned it. So, I was forced to sit shotgun in her car instead. She wouldn’t even let me drive.”

  Laney chuckled.

  “Gosh, he makes me sound like an ogre.” Rebecca turned to Skyler. “Excuse me for being a little bit leery of you getting back on a bike. I’ve already had the fear of death knocked into me once. I don’t want it again.”

  Skyler waved his mom off. “Yeah, yeah. So, um, Laney, you look like crap. What the heck happened?”

  “Skyler!” Rebecca slapped Skyler’s arm.

  “It’s all right. It’s refreshing to have someone call it like they see it, especially if it’s Skyler.” Laney focused on him. “Some crazy trauma patient came in and decided to unload his gun on me. Thankfully, you were a little nicer to me when you were in here.”

  “Geez. I’m sorry. What did you do piss him off? Thump on his chest a few hundred times like you did to me?”

  “I’ll have you know, that thumping saved your life!”

  “Yeah, Yeah. I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for the bruises you left on my chest. How about you? Are you gonna be all right? Did the good doctor here fix you up too?”

  Josh smiled. “Yes, I did.”

  “Hey, you know, I could give you some pointers on how to get him to release you if you want. By the time I got through with him, he couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”

  Laney laughed. “I might have to take you up on that. If Josh has his way, I’d be in under his protective custody forever.”

  “You know it!” Josh crossed his arms and pushed out his chest. He was proud of that fact.

  “Is there anything we can do for you or bring for you?”

  “That’s so sweet. No, thank you. Between Josh and my parents, I think I’
ve got everything I need.”

  “Are you sure? After everything you’ve done for me and Skyler, I’d love to be able to do something nice for you.”

  Laney spoke without hesitation. “It would be awesome if you would come visit me again. You two are such a breath of fresh air, and I could use the laughter.”

  “Sounds like a deal.”

  “Maybe next time I can show you a few of my dance moves. This cane really can attract the ladies. I’m sure it will get that doctor’s attention too.”

  “I’d like that. More importantly, I’d love to get out of this bed. How about we work on that, Doc?”

  “Boy, you two are incorrigible. One step at a time. We’ll get there.”

  Laney and Skyler snickered.

  “We don’t want to take up any more of your time. You could probably use some rest. We’ll come back in a couple of days.”

  “Thanks for stopping by. Oh and Skyler…stay off those motorcycles. They’re dangerous!”

  “Now you tell me!” Skyler gave Laney a fist bump before he left the room.

  It was a miracle Skyler was alive. If it weren’t for her and Josh, he wouldn’t be walking out that door. A sense of pride washed over Laney as she realized the bond they would have forever.

  Chapter 39


  “Discharge day!” Laney squealed as Josh helped her frail body into the wheelchair. She had improved significantly over the past few days. She was able to shuffle down the hall, her appetite had returned, and she had more energy each day.

  “Are you excited?”

  “Hell yeah! You people have kept me cooped up inside long enough. I can’t wait for you to drive me with the top down and the wind blowing in my face. Fresh air. That’s where it’s at. No more of this forced hospital air.”

  Josh smiled. Laney’s enthusiasm was contagious. “How about we swing by the beach before I take you to Peyton’s?”

  “Oh, that would be perfect! I can’t wait to see the waves crashing, the sun glistening off of them, and the seagulls chirping. Oh, the things you take for granted when they’re not at your fingertips.”

  Josh grabbed a blanket to place over Laney’s lap.

  “Uh-uh. Nope, I don’t want that. I want to feel the sun against my skin.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Suit yourself.” Josh shrugged and threw the blanket onto the bed. “It looks like we have everything. We had better get this chariot moving before it turns into a pumpkin.”

  “Hey, babe?”


  “I’m glad it’s you taking me home. The way you stood up to my parents…well, let’s just say, it was HOT!”

  Josh chuckled. “Baby, there was no one who was going to have this honor except for me. I’ve worked too hard to get you to this point. There’s no going back now.”

  “Are we talking discharge or relationship?”

  “Both. You’re mine. You’re as much a part of me as the heart beating in my chest.”

  “Well, you’d better not let me go then.”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Are you ready? There are people who want to say goodbye.”

  “How do I look?”

  Josh studied Laney. Fresh from a shower, her curls spiraled over her shoulders and down her back. Her face finally had color back in it and her cheeks were rosy. Her eyes glistened like the Pacific Ocean on a warm summer’s day. “You couldn’t look more beautiful if you tried.”

  “You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself. Just wait until you see my zipper, though.”

  “I’m the bastard who put that scar there. As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to spend each day kissing every inch of it. It will remind me how lucky I am to be holding you in my arms.”

  “That right there is why I’m keeping you around. You’re perhaps the only guy in the world who would appreciate a foot long scar down the center of my chest.”

  “If that’s all it takes for you to keep me around, I’m a lucky man!

  The medical team decided to leave Laney in the ICU her entire stay. It was more private and more comfortable for her to have her friends helping care for her. Since she was shot while working, the hospital didn’t put up much of a stink.

  As they left Laney’s room and entered the ICU hallway, the nursing staff gathered around clapping and cheering.

  The ICU nurses, especially, were underappreciated by their patients. Most of the time, the patients were sedated while in the ICU. They didn’t usually remember the care they received or how close to death they actually were. The patients didn’t know how diligently the nurses watched after them to make sure they made it through to the next day. Their reward was in knowing they helped save a life.

  Josh’s face lit up. He couldn’t be more proud of Laney. She had fought and made it out ahead. The time they had spent together while she was recovering only made them stronger. Her parents had even become more supportive of their relationship.

  Josh had begun to like Eileen. She was accepting the way things were, she was excited about moving into their new house, and she was beginning to welcome Josh into the family. Deep down, Eileen loved her daughter. Josh couldn’t fault her for that. He used that connection to find a common ground to build on.

  “Hey, gorgeous! Are you ready to go?”

  Laney flashed him a million dollar smile. “Are you driving?”

  “You know it!”

  “Are we riding off into the sunset?”

  “Not this time, but we’re riding off to tuck you into bed.”

  “Then, lead the way. I’d go anywhere with you, especially if it means I get alone time with you in my own bed.”

  The nurses parted as Josh pushed through with the wheelchair. Once they got around the corner, Laney’s shoulders slumped a bit. “Thank you for getting me out of there. I’m so ready to go home.”

  “A little too much?”

  “Yeah. I just don’t have the energy to greet everyone. I hope I wasn’t rude.”

  “I don’t think you were. They looked really happy to see you going home. I’m sure they understand how tired you are. Don’t worry, we’ll get you home quickly. Since it's Saturday, we shouldn’t hit any traffic.”



  “I don’t think I can handle the beach today, but can we make one quick stop before Peyton’s?”

  “Sure. If you feel up to it.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be fast. I don’t even have to get out.”

  “Okay. Where would you like to go?”

  “Can you hit the drive through at In-and-Out? I could use a burger. The hospital food was killing me.”

  Josh threw his head back and chuckled. “Of course!”

  Josh drove Laney to the nearest In-N-Out. Fortunately, it wasn’t too far from Peyton’s house. Laney ravaged the hamburger in record time. Josh enjoyed watching her savor something most people took for granted. The look of contentment on Laney’s face was priceless.

  Josh pulled into Peyton’s driveway leading to the garage. He grabbed Laney’s walker and assisted her out of the car. Laney stood up and looked around. “The trees, they’re so green. The air is so fresh!”

  “Boy, we have kept you locked up too long.”

  “Maybe I just have a new-found appreciation for the simple things.”

  “Perhaps, but I can’t wait to see your reaction when we finally get you to the beach.”

  “Hey, I don’t see Peyton’s car. Is she here?”

  “I don’t know. She said she was going to run to the store to get some stuff for you to eat. She told me if we made it back before her, there was a key under the mat.”

  Laney chuckled. “Let’s hope no stalker got hold of it.”

  “Not funny.” Josh was still pretty sensitive about the whole thing especially knowing it was Jillian who caused them so much turmoil.

  “Oh, lighten up. Have you talked to my mom and dad? I thoug
ht they’d be here.”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from them either. I know they’ve been dealing with a lot of escrow stuff on the house. Maybe they’re signing paperwork.”

  “Could be. Oh well, that gives us some time alone. Want to do some hanky panky?”

  “Uh, of course. I’m a guy. But, you’re crippled. So, we’d better let you just get some rest.”

  “Ah, you’re no fun.”

  “I’m actually a lot of fun. But you have strict orders from your doctor. I intend to make sure you follow them. I want you healthy and back to normal as quickly as possible, and then you had better watch out. I plan on devouring that sexy body of yours.”

  “I’m so glad my controlling boyfriend is back. I’ve missed him.” Laney poked Josh in the side.

  Josh helped Laney maneuver up to Peyton’s door. He was glad he was back, too. It had been a rough few weeks with what seemed like his entire world crashing around him. Things were settling down. With Mom’s help, Jillian had been moved to a psychiatric facility for a full evaluation. Laney was making significant progress and was now going home. Things were looking good.

  Josh took the key from under the mat and unlocked the door to Peyton’s apartment. He helped Laney get over the step.

  “Welcome home!”

  Laney startled and looked up to find a huge banner stretched across the entryway. Peyton, Laney’s parents, and Josh’s mom all rushed to give her hugs.

  “This is my awesome mom, Lizz. Mom, this is the love of my life.”

  Lizz embraced Laney as though she were her own daughter. “I’m so pleased to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Likewise. I’m glad to finally meet the woman responsible for this amazing man who’s been doting on me.”

  “I’d say you’re both very lucky to have each other. Josh absolutely adores you.”

  “You look so good! How are you feeling?” Eileen embraced Laney in her arms.

  “I’m pretty tired. It’s been a big day.”

  Herb took his turn next to hug Laney. “You’ve never looked better. That doctor of yours has done a fine job taking care of you.”

  “Thanks. I think so.” Laney winked at Josh.