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Into the Light (Dark #2) Page 4

  Josh set the dirty surgical instruments onto the tray next to him. He ambled out of the OR into the scrub area to wash up. He removed his bloody gloves and washed his hands. The surgery went remarkably well without any snags. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Josh hustled to the recovery unit to write orders for the nurses. He entered them quickly and efficiently. It had been several hours since he had left Laney’s bedside. He needed to get back to her as soon as possible. His world just didn’t feel right without her, nor would it until she was recovered and back by his side.

  Chapter 5

  His gait was extraordinarily fast even for his long legs as Josh rushed out of the recovery room. He made it across the hospital and to Laney’s room in no time. Even if she wasn’t awake, being next to her and feeling the warmth of her skin would be enough. When Josh was with her, it was as though the planets had aligned and everything was right in the world. He had functioned just fine before he met her. But now, his life wouldn’t be the same without her.

  Josh raced around the corner and entered Laney’s room. He stopped dead in his tracks. The sight before him forced Josh to take a step back. His heart raced rapidly and sweat formed on his brow. Josh caught his breath and struggled to find his voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello to you too!” Jillian rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck.

  “I’m surprised to see you here. You rarely come to the hospital, not to mention you didn’t sound the least bit happy on the phone. Why would you come to Laney’s room?”

  “Because I knew that’s where I’d find you, silly.”

  Puzzled by her behavior, Josh continued probing. “It’s like three-thirty in the morning.”

  “I know, but I heard how upset you were on the phone, and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I felt bad for the way I talked to you earlier. I wanted to make sure Laney was okay.”

  “Why? You don’t even like her.”

  “I never said that. I think I said she was no good for you, and I didn’t want you to get wrapped up with all her drama.”

  “How did you get in here? Most of the hospital entrances are closed.”

  “I happen to have this big brother who is an amazing trauma surgeon. I just let them know I was your sister, and I was dropping some stuff off for you. They brought me right upstairs. I’m sure it helped that I flashed a little cleavage.”

  Jillian smiled, obviously pleased with her craftiness. Jillian was gorgeous when she smiled. The expression was potent and could bring any man to his knees. The combination of her crystal blue eyes and her black hair made her a lethal force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, beyond all of that beauty was a tortured soul.

  “It’s the middle of the night. You should be at home.”

  “You know I don’t sleep at night. This is my get-off-work-go-have-a-good-time-hour.” She smiled coyly. “How’s Laney doing? She looks like hell with all of this crap all over her.” Jillian motioned with her arm.

  “Laney is hanging in there.” Josh stared at the tubes coming from various parts of her body. He resisted the urge to climb into the bed and hold her.

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “I think so. It’s going to take a while. One of the bullets hit her heart. That’s going to take some time to heal.”

  “Do they know who did it?”

  Josh chuckled. It was strange for him to hear his sister ask about “they”. Who was this “they”? He was the one in the room with Laney. He knew who the criminal was. Why didn’t Jillian ask if he knows who the villain was? “Yeah, it was her ex-boyfriend.”

  “Wow, and he just thought he would come into the emergency room and start shooting people up?”

  “He actually came in as a patient in police custody. The guy appeared to be asleep but then woke up and grabbed the officer’s gun.”

  Jillian placed her hand on her mouth. “Oh my God! What if that would’ve been you? I don’t know what I would do. I told you to stay away from her. Laney’s nothing but trouble!” Jillian became hysterical. Her sobbing was loud and forceful. “What if it had been you?”

  Josh put his arms around his frail sister and held her tight. “Jillian, the guy wasn’t going after me or anyone else. He just wanted Laney.”

  “Well, what the hell for? What did she do to him?” Jillian’s voice grew louder.

  “You need to calm down.” Josh patted her back. “I don’t pretend to know the dynamics of their relationship. Laney and I never talked about him. I do know he was not very good to her.”

  “Still, she must have done something to make him want to shoot her!”

  Growing irritated, Josh’s tone was sharper than he meant for it to be. “I don’t know!”

  “Geez, nice people you bring home with you.”

  “Come on. It’s not like that. Laney dated this guy when she was really young. She’s a good girl.”

  Jillian pulled back from Josh. “She may be nice, but she’s got a lot of baggage and you deserve better!”

  “Jilly, please. There are other patients trying to sleep. Laney can probably hear what you’re saying.” Josh watched the rise and fall of Laney’s chest. “Everyone has baggage. We have our share we deal with every day.”

  “That was a low blow. You didn’t have to be an ass.” Jillian crossed her arms and stomped her foot on the floor.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant nobody’s life is perfect. We’re all struggling with something. I can promise you Laney’s a good egg and so are you. You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’re doing so well.”

  “I don’t want your pity. You don’t need to make me feel better. I know I’m a pain in your ass. I’m sorry you’ve had to put up with me all of these years.” Jillian motioned to Laney. “There’s no reason you should have to put up with her crap too. You need to find someone who knows and can take care of you.”

  Josh embraced Jillian. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. We may not always get along, but in no way do I consider you baggage. You’re my sister, and I love you. I want to protect you. You’ll always have a place in my home no matter whom I’m with. Please quit projecting your insecurities onto Laney. She’s not the enemy. I love her, and she loves me. I hope you’ll find it in your heart to get to know her and love her as much as I do.” Josh walked over to Laney’s bedside, put her hand in his, and held it up to his mouth. He tenderly put his lips to her delicate skin and closed his eyes as he breathed in her scent.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen you this way with anyone before.”

  Josh pulled his lips away from Laney’s hand. “Well, I’ve never loved anyone the way I love Laney.”

  Jillian sighed. “Well now that we’ve established Laney’s the love of your life, is there anything I can do to help? Would you like me to bring some food or clothing? Or if you want, I can just stay and keep you company.”

  “You’re showing your softer side. I like it. You should do it more often.”

  “Quit fucking with me, or I’ll take back my offer.”

  Josh chuckled. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist getting in my brotherly jab. Thank you for offering, but I’m good here. You know this place is like my second home. Besides, I’m going to swing by home later to let out Duke and grab some things.”

  Jillian walked up to Josh and slugged him in the arm. “You’re lucky I love you, big brother. It’s not just anyone I let talk to me that way.”

  “Ah, there she is again.” They burst into laughter. “Ahh, it feels good to laugh.”

  “Don’t worry about Duke. I’ll take care of him while you’re here.”

  “Are you sure? Last night you were put out by the idea.”

  “Yeah, I do think it’s dicked you’re always expecting me to look after the beast, but I can see you’re needed here too.”

  “Thanks. I hope to come home at some point and sleep. Laney’s parents are getting in today, and I really want to talk to them before I go.�

  Jillian rubbed Josh’s arm and looked him in the eyes. “Look, I know you want to be everything to her. You’ve got to take care of yourself. Otherwise, you won’t be able to take care of your other patients. Josh, you don’t want to screw up any of your surgeries. Let her parents be there for her. You take care of you.”

  “I appreciate your concern. I’m not sure I can leave her. I need to update Laney’s parents, and I’ll go from there.”

  “All right, but I’m counting on you to make the right decision. By the way, my offer is limited. So, you’d better get your crap together soon. Laney isn’t going to be your excuse to fall back on me as your dog sitter.” Jillian grabbed her purse off the chair. “I’m leaving. There is a certain dog who probably needs to go outside.”

  “Thanks again for taking care of Duke. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “I’ll tell you what you would do. You’d get a pet sitter!” Jillian stuck her tongue out at Josh.

  He shrugged. “You’re probably right.”

  Jillian eyed Laney. “Well, young lady, try not to give my brother any more hard times. He’s already had enough of that.”

  “Jillian…drive safe!”

  “Always,” Jillian announced over her shoulder as she exited the room.

  Chapter 6


  The illuminating light was back. It was different. This time it lacked the peacefulness it had the time before. Still, there was something eerily familiar about it. Goosebumps formed on her skin. Panic rushed through her body. She was cold and naked. No, not again. Please don’t let this happen again. The light illuminated Laney’s face. There was nowhere to hide. She couldn’t move, let alone run for safety. There was laughing; so much of it. How many people are there? What are they doing here? Laney struggled to see the people standing behind the flashlight.

  Laney wiggled to free herself from the grip that held her down. She forced herself to look past the light. She could see four, maybe five people all laughing and some pointing. No, please. Not this again. Laney fought. She was unable to move. It wasn’t just because there were hands, it was something else. It was as though she was trapped inside her body. She saw and heard the sights and sounds around her, but was paralyzed.

  No! No! No! You’re not doing this to me again! The face staring back at her was familiar. It was the same one who tortured her before, the one who had taken her innocence and tossed it away as though it was a piece of garbage. He was back and doing it again. Why can’t I move? Why me? It can’t be possible. Laney was paralyzed as he pushed her legs apart and forced himself inside her. This isn’t happening. He isn’t here. This isn’t real! So much laughter. Why are they laughing? It isn’t funny. Why are they doing this to me? Somebody help me! They’re hurting me!

  Warmth washed over Laney, and the laughter subsided. Soft warm hands brushed her face. Again, there was a sense of familiarity. This time, it was comforting. Her muscles released the tension that had built up. A sense of peace came over Laney. Her fear melted away when her dad spoke. Mommy? Daddy? What are you doing here? Laney’s mom was crying. She tried to reach an arm out to her mom with no success. Her body was a motionless weight.

  “Eileen, it’s going to be okay. We’ll get Laney through this and bring her home. We’ll get the best doctors to take care of her. Nothing like this will ever happen to her again.”

  “You can’t promise that, Herb. Bad things happen to good people all the time. How could we let him do this to her?”

  Why are they so sad? What has happened to me? I don’t need help. I’m fine.

  As the light faded into darkness, the voices became softer and softer until she could no longer hear them, and she was left in complete darkness.

  Chapter 7


  Josh had managed to get a couple of hours’ sleep in the call room. When he was mercilessly awakened by his alarming pager. He checked the number and knew instantly it was regarding Laney. When the nurse informed him Laney’s parents had arrived, he jumped out of bed.

  After being awake for the better part of the last twenty-four hours, he looked like crap. The stress from the last day had left indelible marks on his face. Josh stared in the mirror. His eyes were sunken with prominent bags around them. The blue of his irises was even more piercing than usual against the bloodshot background. He had some serious bedhead and his scrubs were beyond disheveled. There was no way he could meet Laney’s parents looking like a drunk coming off a two-week bender.

  Josh launched himself into the shower. He made the water as hot as his skin could handle. It burned, turning his flesh red. It felt good. He was alive, and most importantly, he was awake.

  After dressing, Josh poured Visine into his eyes, stuck a toothbrush in his mouth, and then a comb through his hair. Placing a little gel on the tips of his hair, he gave it a once-through with his hand. The results were perfectly placed locks that were somewhat spikey but handsomely tamed. The transformation from when he woke up to now was devastating. He was once again the handsome doctor all the nurses would kill to date. Unfortunately for them, Laney was the only nurse on his mind. He needed to make a great first impression with her parents.

  Josh hurried to the ICU and into Laney’s room. He took a deep breath to prepare himself. His adrenaline was pumping and his nerves were frayed. Normally a very confident person who wasn’t flustered by much, the idea of meeting Laney’s parents for the first time threw Josh a curve.

  He cleared his throat and he walked in the room. “Mr. and Mrs. Pearson?”

  The couple cautiously turned their heads toward Josh. Laney’s mom had tears spilling down her cheeks. The wet and redness of her eyes illuminated the green color making them look like jade. Her hair was a chestnut brown formed into soft curls hugging her shoulders. She looked to be of medium build and slightly taller than Laney.

  Her dad was about the same height as Josh with sandy blond hair combed to one side and green eyes that matched his daughter’s. He was good-looking in his own right. Laney definitely got her looks from her dad. He was the first to extend his hand. “Please, call me Herb, and this is my wife Eileen.”

  Josh placed his hand in Herb’s to reciprocate the handshake. “My name is Dr. Stone; please call me Josh. I’m the doctor who called you yesterday. I’ve been taking care of your daughter. It’s good to meet you.”

  “Well, Doctor, I certainly wish we didn’t have to meet under these circumstances.” Herb resumed studying his daughter.

  Eileen held Laney’s hand. “I presume you work with my daughter.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I do.”

  “Oh goodness, please call me Eileen. Ma’am is for old ladies. I may be Laney’s mom but I’m certainly not an old lady.”

  Josh smiled knowing instantly Laney was much like her mother. “Yes, Eileen, I work closely with your daughter. She’s one of my favorite nurses.”

  “Were you there when she was shot?”

  “Yes, I was.” Josh was very calculated as he answered her questions. He wasn’t ready to divulge the passion he felt for their daughter.

  “Can you please tell us what happened? Who could have done this to our beautiful daughter?”

  Josh briefed them on what had happened in the trauma room. There were times when her father’s jaw locked up with tension. Laney’s mom tried desperately to hold back tears and listen to the entire story. He tried to be very matter of fact and not put any emotion into it, but he was sure his feelings were written all over his face.

  “I can see this has really impacted you as well.” Laney’s mom walked over to Josh and rubbed his arm. “You must be good friends with her. It’s always hard to see a friend get hurt.”

  “Yes. It has been quite difficult to watch Laney go from vibrant and full of life to lying so helpless in this bed. At times, it seems very surreal.” Josh looked over to Laney. She was so beautiful with her curly blonde hair hugging her face. Josh bit his lip in an attempt to hold back the tears surfacing in h
is eyes.

  “It sounds like you’ve saved our daughter’s life. We can’t thank you enough. Do you know what happened to the man who shot our daughter?”

  Josh was surprised by how calm and stoic Eileen was. She never raised her voice and she had a very motherly like sense of patience and calmness about her. “He was treated for his injuries and placed in police custody.”

  “Thank goodness for that.” Eileen let out a deep breath and seemed to be even calmer, if that was at all possible.

  “Do they know who the bastard is and why he shot my daughter?”

  “Sir, it’s my understanding he was an ex-boyfriend from high school.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Laney told me right before she was shot.”

  The tension on Herb’s jaw intensified to the point he looked like he might explode. Josh turned to Eileen. Her face had gone ashen white. Josh’s worst suspicions had been confirmed. Something terrible had happened to Laney in the past. All he wanted to do was wrap her up in a protective cocoon and never let anything bad happen to her again. She was his, and the realization the same person who put her in the hospital bed had hurt her once before made him want to take the man into a dark alley and beat the daylights out of him. “What’s his name?” Eileen asked in a meek voice that was somewhat broken.

  “I’m sorry?” Josh strained to hear.

  She cleared her throat and spoke in a firmer tone. “What’s his name?”

  “I believe it’s Scott James.”

  Eileen gasped as though the wind had been knocked out of her. She doubled over. Josh rushed to her side. Herb beat him to it. Herb put his arms around her and rubbed her arms affectionately. He whispered something in her ear that Josh couldn’t hear. She seemed to calm slightly after a couple of minutes. Eileen looked up at Josh. “Why would she tell you that?”

  “Excuse me?” Josh was perplexed by the question.

  “Laney doesn’t ever talk about Scott. Why would she tell you that?”