Into the Light (Dark #2) Read online

Page 6

  Jillian put down her kitchen towel and danced her way over to greet Josh. “Hey, handsome. Welcome home.” Jillian embraced him.

  “Oh hey. What are you doing here?”

  “Last time I checked, I lived here. Unless…were you planning on kicking me out?” Jillian chuckled.

  “No, I just expected you to be at work,” Josh stated as hung his keys on the hook.

  “I called off today. I thought you could use a little company.”

  “Honestly, I’m pretty tired. I figured I would just go take Duke for a run and then hit the hay.”

  Jillian put on her best pouty face. “Come on. I went to Seaside Market and got some things for us to eat at the beach. I thought we could take Duke and let him chase other dogs while we had dinner and watch the sunset.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t really feel up to driving down to Ocean Beach.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll drive. All you need to do is sit back and relax. I’ll take care of everything.” Jillian knew he didn’t really feel like hanging out with her. She couldn’t blame him. Jillian had been kind of a bitch lately with the whole Laney thing. It made her frustrated that Josh was so distracted and consumed by Laney.

  “Is there any chance I can get a rain check?”

  Jillian chuckled. “I don’t think so. It’s now or never.”

  “Fine, let’s go. Duke would probably enjoy some canine company anyway.”

  Josh slumped his shoulders and let out a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to go, but he was doing this for her. Jillian didn’t let his negative behavior change her mind. Josh would have fun once he got to the beach. He always did.

  “Hey, maybe you could sound somewhat enthusiastic about the idea of being able to hang out with me as well.”

  “Huh? Oh, sorry. I’m just preoccupied.”

  “With Laney?”

  “Yes, with Laney. How could there be anything else? She’s lying there defenseless and fighting for her life. I want so badly to be there with her and I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because her parents don’t know about our relationship. I haven’t found a good time to tell them. I’m not sure if I should be the one to do it. Maybe Laney wants to be the one.”

  “Don’t you think it’s weird she hasn’t said anything?”

  “No, our relationship is still new. Her parents are somewhat overbearing. From what I understand, she doesn’t let them into her life, only the bare minimum to appease them.”

  “I see.”

  “What’s that look? What do you mean, I see?”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way. I’ve said it before but it seems there’s a lot of drama surrounding this girl. I know you think you love her, but I’m not sold on her. You deserve someone better. You work really hard, and need someone to take care of you, not the other way around. You’ve been taking care of her a lot since you started dating.”

  Josh clenched his jaw and a vein popped out on the side of his forehead. Jillian knew that look. Josh was ready to lash back at her with some harsh words. But he didn’t say anything. He stood there tightening and loosening his jaw, contemplating what she had said.

  “In some ways, I think you may be right. I’ve been taking care of her. This stalker thing started when we began dating. Now, the issue is resolved. That lunatic is behind bars. As soon as Laney gets through this, we’ll be able to go on with our lives without any drama or distractions.”

  “Are you sure the stalker is the same person who shot her?”

  “Of course it is! Who else could it be? It only makes sense.”

  “What about her parents? Do you think they’ll be okay with the two of you dating? Or will it be another issue you’ll have to work through to be with her?”

  Josh walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator, opened it up, and took a long sip before wiping his lips with the back of his hand. “I’m not sure about them. They’re already hell-bent on taking her to Missouri with them. Maybe if they knew we were dating, they’d relax a little. I don’t know. There’s just too much to process right now.” Josh rotated his neck, loosening his muscles.

  “I don’t like seeing you this way. You’re so stressed. Your job is tough enough. You don’t need this too.”

  “I appreciate your concern. I really just don’t feel like talking about this right now. How about I change, grab some things, and we take off to the beach?”

  “Fine. I’ll get Duke into the truck. I’m tired of him always getting shotgun in your Porsche.”

  “Ha! You know that’s the only place he can fit in my car.”

  “I get it. But sometimes it seems you like that dog more than me.”

  “Don’t take offense, but I like him more than most people. He’s loyal, and he doesn’t require me to carry on a conversation with him. He’s always pleasant to be around.”

  “Except when he is gassy. Geez, he can stink up a room!”

  “You’ve got me there. Give me about five minutes, and I’ll be ready.” Josh started upstairs.

  “Great! We’ll be in my truck. Don’t take too long. We only have a few more hours of daylight.”


  Josh and Jillian arrived at Dog Beach. People could bring their dogs there year round to swim and play with other dogs. It was a place where Chihuahuas and St. Bernard’s could become best friends.

  Josh let Duke off his leash and grabbed the ice chest and a couple of chairs out of the back of Jillian’s truck. She carried her picnic basket. They found an empty spot on the sand.

  “So, little sister, what did you pack for us to eat?”

  Jillian glared at Josh. “You know I hate it when you call me that.”

  “I’m not sure why. It’s a term of endearment. You are my little sister.”

  “First of all, I’m not little. And second, I would prefer it if you would consider me more as a friend then some naggy sister.”

  “I don’t know about naggy, but you can be rather bitchy at times.” Josh chuckled and gave Jillian a little slug on the arm. She shot daggers at him with her eyes.

  “You know, you’re not so innocent. Sometimes you drive a girl mad.” Jillian glared at Josh.

  “Hey, I was only trying to kid with you. Don’t take is so seriously.” Josh shifted in his seat obviously feeling a little awkward as to where the conversation was going.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I over reacted. I just don’t want that to be the perception I give off. I want us to be like we were when we were kids. We used to get along so well. Can we just start over? Jillian took Josh’s hand in hers.

  “Yeah, sure. I’m sorry. I guess I’m partly to blame for that. I’ve been acting poorly.” Jillian looks off at the waves reflecting on how her behavior has put a strain on their relationship.

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s in there?”

  “All of your favorite foods, of course!” Jillian shifted gears and plastered a smile on her face.

  “Can I see what you brought? Or, is it a secret?” Josh reached for the picnic basket, but Jillian pulled it from his grasp.

  “Of course it’s not a secret.” Jillian pulled items from the basket. “I brought some blackened ahi with brown rice and tabouli. I also got some grilled Ono with brown rice and a mixed green salad. There are a couple of bottles of your favorite Mammoth Paranoids Ale for you in the cooler as well as some ceviche and a slice of apple pie.”

  “You weren’t kidding. You did bring my favorite things. Thank you for being so thoughtful! What’s the occasion?”

  “I know you’ve been going through a hard time. I wanted you to be able to relax. I want to be your rock for once.” Jillian leaned up against Josh hoping to bond.

  “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my sister?”

  “Oh, come on. I’m still the girl you love and have been taking care of for years. Let’s not be dramatic. Now, which plate do you want?”

  “I’ll take the ahi.”

an grabbed the container and passed it to Josh along with some silverware.

  “You may be the girl I love, but what happened to the girl who drives me nuts? The one who is always yelling at me for something.”

  Jillian opened her own container and took a bite. “Perhaps I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. You don’t need me to be a pain in your side. Besides, you’re my best friend in the world. I love spending time with you. How’s your ahi?”

  “It’s fabulous. It’s definitely hitting the spot! And the Paranoids Ale tastes good with it. Thank you again for putting this together. Just as a side note, aren’t I your only friend?”

  Jillian swallowed the hard truth. She didn’t have very many friends. Most people thought she was difficult and hard to get along with. Many times, she just wanted to be alone in her own world. ”I wish I could say differently, but you’re right. You are my only friend. I’m going to start working on that. I’m going to try and open myself up to others.”

  “I think that’s a great idea, Jillian. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

  “Thanks!” Jillian smiled warmly at Josh before taking a bite of her food.

  “You’re welcome. Hey, look at Duke! He’s found himself a friend.” Duke jumped through the small waves with another dog. He barked and ran. He looked happy. Jillian watched Josh’s expression as observed Duke. “He makes you happy doesn’t he?”

  “Yes. He’s putting himself out there and meeting new dogs. I had the same feeling when you told me you were going to try and make some friends. It warms my heart.”

  “When are you going back to visit Laney?” Jillian didn’t want today to end but knew Josh’s mind was elsewhere.

  Josh looked away from Duke and took another swig of his beer before answering. “I was thinking about heading over there later tonight.”

  “When was the last time you slept?”

  Josh sighed. “It’s been a while.” He stared at his empty beer. His eyes growing heavy, as he yawned.

  “I think we should take you home to get some rest. You still have other patients who are counting on you to be awake and alert. You can always get up and go in early to see Laney before her parents get there. You need to take the advice you always give to your patients’ families. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.” She patted his leg. “Come on. Let’s get out of here and put you to bed.”

  Josh attempted to stifle another yawn with no success. “Since when did my little sister get so smart?”

  “You know how I feel about the little sister thing…You couldn’t get all the brains, I had to get some.”

  “Maybe you should’ve become a doctor.”

  “I hate blood, needles, and studying. There’s no way I would have any interest in doing what you do.”

  “You would have been a great doctor.”

  “How about I leave that to you? I’ve found something else I’m good at.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Taking care of you. Now let’s pack up and get you home to bed. I want handsome Josh back. Not this ragged old man with fatigue showing all over his face.” Jillian put their things into the picnic basket.

  “Gee, you sure know how to make a guy feel good about himself. Do I really look that bad?”

  “No, but you do look worn out. Now call your dog and let’s get out of here.”

  Jillian watched as Josh rounded up Duke from the water. Her plan was working. She and Josh had talked and had decent conversation. They were acting like friends. It was something she wanted more than anything. Josh was her rock, but she needed to be his too. They needed each other more than ever and Jillian was going to make sure Josh knew how important he was to her.

  Chapter 9


  There’s no light. Only darkness. There is still the warmth and comfort like before. Josh was there. She knew it. Laney inhaled his scent and felt his presence. She desperately wanted to curl up in his arms and feel the safety of his embrace. She loved how he made her feel so protected even with all of the chaos surrounding her. God, what she wouldn’t give for this nightmare to be over. How did they get to this point? Her lying helpless in a hospital bed, and Josh, maintaining vigil by her bedside. Laney had no concept of time. It was as though Josh never left her bedside. What seemed as innocent as two co-workers having a few dates had turned into something out of a Jerry Springer episode.

  Laney reflected on the time when Josh had come for dinner. She remembered their conversations and the banter they shared. Any reservations she had about dating him left that night. It was the first night they made love. It was also the night she knew she was head over heels for him. What she wouldn’t give to be back in that place, to hold him and feel his lips brush softly against her neck as she prepared dinner. His touch was electrifying igniting every nerve ending in her body.

  Laney wanted so badly to wake up and talk. She wanted to know the extent of her injuries and what exactly had happened. She remembered being shot. But it all seemed so surreal. Work was her safe haven, her sanctuary of sorts. She was safe there, or at least she’d thought so. Unfortunately, the past caught up with her and violated her place of safety. What happened to him? Why after all this time is he leaving notes and stalking me? It’s been over a decade. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? Things are finally going well in my life. Laney didn’t want to be the perpetual victim. She wanted to live a normal and boring life.

  “Laney, you’re progressing well. You’re going to be fine. I’ll make sure of it. We have to keep you sedated for a few more days. We need to give your heart a chance to heal. You’re one lucky girl. I can’t wait for you to open those beautiful green eyes of yours.”

  The sound of Josh’s voice made her heart skip a beat. My heart. I remember I was shot in the chest. He shot me in the chest!

  Despite being sedated, Laney got herself worked up. Her heart started racing. She needed his reassurance and wanted his touch now. Josh’s lips brushed her forehead, leaving them there for what felt like an eternity. She attempted to reach up and touch his face to no avail and only furthering her frustration. Someone get me out of this bed! Josh, help me. Please! The warmth…it was back again. Suddenly, the fear and frustration melted away. It was so warm. “Rest, my love. I’ll wake you when it’s time.” With those words of reassurance, Laney drifted into the darkness.

  Chapter 10


  Josh woke early, refreshed despite the fact it was only four in the morning. His body had adjusted pretty quickly in residency to the awful hours. He had trained himself to stay up for long periods of time and recover on very little sleep. Often only four hours of sleep would make him feel normal again. This was the part of the job no one prepared him for.

  He arrived at the hospital about five. Laney’s parents were nowhere to be found. They had discussed staying at her apartment, and he figured that was where they went for the night. Now he could have some quiet, uninterrupted time with Laney before he started his day. Two more shifts and he was off for a couple of days. Josh both looked forward and was fearful of the time off. What would he do if he couldn’t spend it with Laney because her parents were here? He couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Perhaps he could trade his days off. He made a mental note to follow up on that later.

  A smile spread across Josh’s face as Laney responded to his touch. It was a reassuring sign. He wasn’t sure how aware Laney was of her surroundings. Every ounce of his being wanted to hold Laney, touch her, and make gentle love with her. Josh upped the sedation to ensure a deep sleep. He climbed into the bed with her, nuzzling his nose into the soft curls splayed around her pillow.

  Josh inhaled her scent. He loved the smell and feel of her skin. It reminded him of how safe and warm he felt in his mother’s arms when he was younger. Those thoughts and the warmth of Laney next to Josh pulled him into unconsciousness.

  Josh dreamt about his time back east in medical school. When he had time, he explored the city. Lo
ving baseball, he couldn’t stop himself from taking the tour of Fenway Park. He loved how the stadium remained virtually unchanged over the years. It was fascinating how everything was green except for the one red seat in right field. This had been the seat Ted Williams had hit with the ball signifying the longest home run ever hit in the stadium. Josh sat in the seat, which provided him with an experience he would never forget. “Excuse me, sir. I believe that’s my seat.” Josh looked up to find Ted Williams asking for his chair. Josh sprang up and apologized profusely. Even in his dream, the man was larger than life.

  “Dr. Stone. Wake up. You need to wake up!”

  “Uhh? Oh, hey. I must have fallen asleep. What time is it?” Josh reluctantly pulled his face from Laney’s and searched his wrist for the time.

  “Laney’s parents are here, and they want to come back and see her. I made up a story that we were bathing her and to wait just a few minutes. I didn’t want them to find you.”

  Josh jumped out of Laney’s bed and rubbed his eyes trying to focus and collect himself. “If you’re here, it means it’s after seven.”

  “Actually, it’s eight. I didn’t want to wake you until I had to. I pulled the curtain and door shut so you wouldn’t be disturbed and no nosey nurses or staff could get a peep of the two of you.”

  “Thanks, Peyton. I owe you one.” Josh stood quickly, locking his knees to prevent them from buckling, and put on his lab coat. He ran his fingers through his hair and attempted to gain his composure.

  “Do you need a couple more minutes?”

  “No, go ahead. I’ll review Laney’s labs on the computer and update them on her condition.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” Peyton started out of the room but turned back. “For what it’s worth, I think you make a great couple, and I’m so glad you are taking such good care of my friend. You’re exactly what she needs.”