Into the Light (Dark #2) Read online

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  Jillian took a jar of mayonnaise out of the fridge. She placed a couple of tablespoons in a small dish. She put some of the creamy sauce on her fingers and rubbed it through her hair making sure she hit every strand. When she was satisfied with the result, she went upstairs to get ready for the evening.

  Chapter 12


  Josh hadn’t neglected his other patients lately, but none of them were as sick or as much of a priority as Laney. However today, Skyler was going home. Skyler was an awesome kid with a good head on his shoulders. He dreamt of being a professional motor-crosser before his crash. Josh hoped Skyler would learn from this incident and pursue other interests that weren’t so dangerous.

  Josh exited the elevator on the eighth floor. Skyler was using a walker to ambulate down the hall beside the physical therapist. His brown hair was disheveled and his hospital gown was far too big. Skyler was moving pretty well. He was slow and it looked as though he still had some weakness in the legs, but his gait was good. He would be back to normal in a relatively short time.

  “Good afternoon.” Josh walked alongside Skyler. “You’re looking pretty good.”

  “Don’t distract me, Doc. I’m doing some intense training for the ultra-marathon I’m running next week.”

  “Really? What’s the distance on this ultra-marathon?”

  “It’s exactly twenty-five yards. I heard if I’m able to complete it in record time, my doctor might free me from this prison.”

  “Well, based on what I’m seeing now, you may not have to make record time. You may be able to head home today.”

  “Doc, stop pulling my leg. They don’t work great as it is.”

  Josh chuckled. Skyler was a smart-ass. He was a good kid and funny as hell. “We have to check with your mom first. She may want to keep you in here a little while longer so you stay out of trouble.”

  “You’re killing me, Doc!”

  “How about you finish your therapy? I’ll go check your labs and whatnot. I’ll meet you back in your room, and we can discuss our next step.”

  “That sounds good. It gives me a little more incentive to pick up the pace. I might be able to beat a snail.”

  “I don’t know. It would be a tough race. My bet’s on the snail.”

  “I thought doctors were supposed to be supportive and encouraging. Did you flunk the caring doctor class?”

  “Yes, but I got straight A’s in the smart-ass doctor class. Can you tell?”

  Skyler smirked. “I guess that’s why I like you so much. You’re a pretty cool guy.”

  “You’re not too shabby yourself. By the way, is your mom in your room?”

  “I think she and Stephen went down to the cafeteria. She should be back shortly.”

  “Ahh. How’s that going for you?”

  “What do you mean, Stephen?”

  “Yeah. He and your mom are dating, right? You mentioned she hasn’t dated for a long time. Is it hard on you having a new guy around?”

  “No, she seems really happy. It’s about time she started doing things for herself. I can’t live with her forever. Plus, Stephen is a really cool dude.”

  Josh patted Skyler on the shoulder. “I’m glad things are working out for you guys. All right, I’ll see you in your room shortly. And remember, no squashing the snail to get ahead. Cheaters never win.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. And winners never cheat.”

  “Maybe that accident knocked some sense into you after all.”

  “You’re a funny guy, Doc. You’d better hurry up with your work, or I’m going to beat you to my room!”

  Josh laughed. “All right, buddy. I’ll see you there in a few.” Josh tussled Skyler’s hair before heading to the nurse’s station to sort through his labs and x-ray results.

  He put the orders in the computer for Skyler’s discharge. He dictated his discharge notes and inspected the chart to ensure he had signed off in all the appropriate places before heading to Skyler’s room.

  Rebecca and Stephen were laughing together. Even though the relationship was new for them, they seemed like they had known each other for a while.

  “Dr. Stone! Skyler says you may have some good news for us.” Rebecca’s smile lit up her face. Her long brown hair was perfectly straightened, and she looked as though she had just walked out of a magazine. He got a better look at the sundress; it hugged her body in all of the right areas. She didn’t look like a mom to a seventeen-year-old.

  Josh waved at Stephen, who was out of uniform, and seemed to be there are on a casual visit. “As a matter of fact, I think I do. Skyler’s test results look good. He’s progressing very nicely. The physical therapist is pleased with how he’s doing. I see no reason for us to keep him any longer, unless you have concerns.”

  “No, I think he’s ready to go home. The only concern I have is regarding his physical therapy. How do we continue it at home? Do I need to take him somewhere to get it?”

  “I’ve ordered home therapy for four days a week for now. As he gets stronger, we’ll decrease it and have you take him to an outpatient facility. I have included a name and number on his discharge instructions so you can set up an appointment. Also, a home health nurse who will come by twice a week for two weeks to take blood samples and make sure things are going smoothly. Other than that, he can resume his normal activities. I included a prescription for some Norco for pain. Sometimes with the physical therapy, you can get achy. It’s best to take the medications before the therapy starts. He can also take Ibuprofen if he doesn’t want to take the Norco.”

  Skyler chimed in. “Wow, Doc. It sounds like you’ve got everything covered. Have you done this before?”

  Rebecca whipped around. “Skyler! Don’t talk to your doctor that way!”

  “It’s okay, Rebecca. Your son and I have a unique relationship. I enjoy his humor. It’s refreshing. I don’t get many patients who feel comfortable enough to joke around with me. Skyler’s a great kid.”

  “See, Mom? We’re homies now. It’s okay.”

  Rebecca shook her head.

  “The nurse is putting your discharge instructions together. She’ll be in to take out your IV, and get you ready to go home. I want you to follow up in my office next week. It’s on the second floor of the office building across the street. I would like to see you run up the stairs that day. Oh, and try not to let that snail beat you.” Josh laughed.

  “Hey, Doc, isn’t your lovely nurse friend coming to say goodbye to me? She saved my life. I’d kinda like to thank her.”

  Josh’s jovial mood deflated like a helium balloon as Skyler’s words sank in.

  “What? Did I say something wrong?”

  Rebecca leaned over and held Skyler’s hand. “Honey, Laney was shot. She’s in the intensive care unit.”

  Skyler’s smile turned to a frown. “Can I go see her? I mean, it’s the least I can do. She was there for me.”

  Josh swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of his throat and shook his head. “Not right now. Like I was telling your mom earlier, when Laney wakes up from this mess, I know she would love for you to come visit her.”

  “Okay, Doc. You’d better take good care of her. You never know when I’m gonna need her to save me again!”

  “Skyler! Don’t even think about that!” Rebecca turned to Josh who was leaving the room. “Thank you for everything, Dr. Stone.”

  Josh had just about reached the end of the hallway. He was in the safety zone where he could take a few breaths and ground himself. Every time someone mentioned Laney, it was like the wind had been knocked from his sails. He needed to be with her, to hold her, to smell the flowery scent of her hair as he wrapped his hands in it. She was his drug, and he needed his fix.

  Josh was about to walk down the stairwell when Stephen caught up to him. “Hey Josh, how’s Laney doing?”

  Josh paused before answering. “She’s hanging in there.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that. That dirtbag who shot her came down from h
is drug-induced state and was pretty blown away when he heard what he had done. He seemed almost remorseful although I’m not sure if it was just an act.”

  “I hope they throw the book at him. He’s done a lot of really bad things to Laney in the past. He deserves to rot.”

  “I don’t see how he’s going to get out of this one. He’s going away for a long time.”

  Josh was suddenly very somber. “I hope you’re right. On another note, Laney’s parents found a letter on her doorstep this morning.”

  “Really? How could that be? The guy has been in jail for a couple of days. I thought SDPD had been by there after she was shot.”

  “They had, and the note wasn’t there. It wasn’t there last night either when her parents arrived.”

  “That means there’s someone else still after her.”

  “Exactly.” Josh crossed his arms and stared at Stephen.

  “God, she can’t catch a break, can she?” Stephen placed his hands on his hips and shook his head in disbelief. “What do her parents think?”

  “Needless to say, they aren’t handling the situation very well. I gave them Officer Neal’s number. They’re calling him later today.”

  “Has anyone unusual been by to visit her since she’s been in the ICU?”

  “No, we’ve been keeping pretty close tabs on her. The staff is very protective of Laney. They wouldn’t just let anyone in.”

  “Okay, well if you’re concerned about this guy coming after her here, I could have police create a presence.”

  “I appreciate it. I don’t think we have to worry about it right now. I’ll keep you informed.”

  “Hey man, if there is anything you need, let me know. Laney is a good girl. I don’t like seeing her go through this.”

  Josh looked back over his shoulder as he was about to escape down the stairwell. “Thank you. I appreciate all you’ve done. You’ve been really helpful. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on her.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Josh opened the door rushed down the stairs to get his Laney fix as fast as he could.

  Chapter 13


  There was no light or warm feeling this time. There was only darkness and the keen sense of awareness of her soundings. Laney still couldn’t open her eyes or move her body. She was trapped inside herself. The inability to sit up in bed and see what was going on around her was frustrating. Laney heard voices and quickly identified them as her parents. They were upset. Why? Why are they upset? Hearing her mom cry only added to the stress of being trapped. It was as though she were buried alive, scratching and clawing to get out.

  Her relationship with her parents was a struggle at best. They never approved of the decisions she made, and they were quick to give advice on what she should do instead. If that didn’t work, they often guilted her into doing what they wanted. Internally, she struggled with the desire to tell them to take a moment, stop, and really look at her. She was happy with her life. She didn’t regret any of the decisions she had made, and she really wasn’t interested in their approval. Sure, it would be nice to have their support and acceptance for the choices she had made. It would certainly make their relationship less strained.

  But, whether or not Laney had their approval wouldn’t change how she lived her life. If anything, their lack of acceptance only pushed them further apart. It was sad really. It was easier to keep her life private from them than to listen to their criticism.

  Her parent’s conversation became more heated. She was very groggy and could easily slip back into the fog of her sedation. Instead, she worked hard to focus on what they were saying.

  “Herb, I don’t want him taking care of our daughter.”

  “He seems to be on top of things. I think he’s doing a fine job. He was even here first thing this morning tending to her.”

  “I don’t care. If they have been dating like he says they have, then he’s too close to the situation. That transfer we want to Missouri, he won’t let it happen. I’m sure he’ll do whatever he can to get in the way.”

  “I checked him out. He comes highly recommended. He’s one of the best trauma surgeons in the county, and in the top twenty in the country. Last year, he was voted trauma surgeon of the year. This is the guy we want taking care of our daughter.”

  “Besides his allegedly good credentials, we don’t know anything about him. This guy could be taking advantage of our daughter. She’s never mentioned him to us before. How serious are they? What if she doesn’t even like him that much? I don’t think I can trust this guy. Where was Laney’s head getting involved with a co-worker? Doesn’t she know better? People are going to start thinking of her as the hospital slut. Sometimes, I don’t know what that girl is thinking.”

  Laney couldn’t control the anger boiling through her veins. Is she talking about Josh? Holy crap, Mom! You don’t know anything about him. Because I’m dating him, I’m now the hospital tramp? There’s a reason I don’t share my life with you, and this is it. Dad, don’t give in to her. Josh is the best. He’s the one who needs to be taking care of me. I need him.

  “I think you’re overreacting. Peyton really approves of him. With the exception of Scott, Laney is a pretty good judge of character. Maybe she didn’t want to worry us with what was going on. Perhaps the relationship is new and she wasn’t ready to announce it.”

  “Well, if it’s so new, why are they staying together? Why is she getting this committed so quickly? How much could she really know about him? He’s not going to buy the cow when he can get the milk for free.”

  Crap! They know everything. What the heck has been going on while I’ve been lying in this bed? And Jesus, Mom, you don’t need to have a comment on every aspect of my life. Can’t you just be concerned about me without criticizing me?

  “I want him fired. You find our daughter another trauma surgeon who’s actually going to help us get her home. She’ll be happier there. She’ll be safe, and she’ll find a nice simple man to settle down with.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Fine, I’ll see if we can get a second opinion from another surgeon.”

  No! This is exactly why I don’t tell you things. I don’t want another surgeon, and I certainly don’t want to ever move back near the two of you. You drive me nuts. You live two-thousand miles away. You see me maybe once a year. How much do you really know about me or my life? God, I love you, but you drive me insane. Leave Josh alone!

  Laney desperately wanted to scream what she’d been thinking. She wanted to sit up in bed and stop the madness. Unfortunately, she was helpless. She couldn’t control an ounce of what was going on around her.

  Another voice entered the room. Laney focused her attention on it. It’s Peyton. Good, maybe she can talk some sense into them.

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but Laney is getting agitated. Her heart rate has gone up quite a bit. I’m giving her a little more sedation.”

  “Do you think she can hear us?”

  “I’m not sure, Mrs. Pearson. It wouldn’t surprise me if she could. I do know something is bothering her, and Dr. Stone made it pretty clear he wants her resting so her heart will have a chance to heal.”

  “Maybe she’s trying to tell us she agrees.”

  I don’t want…

  The clouds closed in, and the fogginess took over Laney’s thoughts. As she slipped into slumber, a device alarmed next to her bed. Laney recognized the sound. It indicated something was wrong. Instead of fear or adrenaline pumping through her veins, warmth and heaviness took control of her body. For once, Laney didn’t care about that alarm.

  Chapter 14


  Alarms from Laney’s room signaled something was wrong. Josh broke into a sprint. He found Laney’s parents looking up at her monitor dumbfounded. Peyton stood tending to Laney.

  “What’s going on?”
br />   “I don’t know. Herb and I were talking and then this screen started making this god-awful noise.”

  Josh placed his fingers upon Laney’s neck to assess her pulse. Peyton pushed the button to take Laney’s blood pressure.

  “I have a pulse, but it’s weak and thready. Are those labs back?”

  “Let me check for you.” Peyton hustled to the computer. Josh walked to the end of the bed, picked up Laney’s catheter bag. “The urine level doesn’t seem to have changed a whole lot since I was in here this morning.”

  “Yeah, she’s only put out thirty cc’s in the last few hours. Her output has dropped significantly despite the Bumex and the Albumin.”

  Josh checked the monitor. “Her blood pressure is eighty-five over fifty-eight. It’s too low. She’s becoming edematous.”

  “Her labs are back. Her creatinine is six-point-two and her BUN is one-hundred-and-five.” Josh looked Peyton in the eyes. This was the news he had dreaded hearing. Peyton’s shoulders slumped. They both knew what came next.

  “Hang a levophed drip. I want her MAP above sixty-five.”

  “Are you sure? I just upped her Propofol. That may be the reason for her hypotension.”

  “Okay. Go ahead and get the Levo drip ready. If she needs this much Propofol for sedation, she’ll still need the Levo to maintain her blood pressure.”

  “You people are speaking a foreign language! What the hell is going on with my daughter? I want some answers!”

  Josh turned slowly to face Eileen and Herb. Even though he barely knew them, they were her parents. It wasn’t like talking to any other patient’s family members. This was the girl he wanted to marry. They would become his family also. He’d never been in a situation like this one and wasn’t sure how to broach the subject of Laney’s condition.